Learn More About Feline Infectious Peritonitis of Cats

Learn More About Feline Infectious Peritonitis of Cats – Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that will be very dangerous for your cats. Up to this day, different kinds of researches are still trying to figure out the best method to diagnose the cats that are infected with the disease. The researchers also try to find out the best treatment to slow down the growth of the disease.
Feline Infectious Peritonitis at a Glance
Feline Infectious Peritonitis (FIP) is a disease that is mutated from Feline Coronavirus (FCoV). Any cat can be infected, but most of the time, it will infect kitten that is below two years old. The disease is transmitted through cat-to-cat contact, especially if they are sharing litter trays, saliva, or fomites.
A research in 2019 shows that among cats with FCoV, only around 12% develops FIP. The research also shows that around 70% of the case, the disease mostly infects the pure-bred cats under two years old. While all online gambling games in sbobet infect adult players, this virus attacks only young cats.
The current researches show that there is no best method to detect the disease. The symptoms are also varied on one cat to another so that there is no best way to know whether your cat is infected or not. The common symptoms might also show when it is on the last stage, and it is quite late to treat. Another problem is that no medication is suitable to treat the disease.

Ongoing Research About Feline Infectious Peritonitis
If the cats are infected with FIP, you don’t need to hospitalize the cats because taking good care of the cats and provide good nutrition for the cats will be very helpful. However, you can rest assured because there are different kinds of researches about this disease.
Most of them try to find the best medication to slow down the growth of the virus. Some researches try to find immunosuppressive drugs that will reduce the fast growth of the virus. Some others also try to find antiviral drugs that are very important to slow down the replication of the virus. But, if the cats are detected with FIP, the best way to treat it is by giving the licensed FIP vaccine, although it might not be effective.
The disease can be very dangerous for cats, especially because there are no exact symptoms that tell you whether your cats are infected with this disease or not. The symptoms may show up late and the cats can be dead in no time without you knowing.